Wednesday, October 25, 2006

i'm baCk tO tHe oFFice~

im back after 4 days...
holidays always pass very fast~
unlike working days... *gRrrRr*
so im back to the office today...

201006 Friday,,
well... today i've got work
went home at 5.30
reach home at about 6 ++
since darling is working,
so i decided to go bugis wif my mum..
called him to go bugis
but my mum n me + her sis
went to bedok interchange
make him waited for
went to bugis after tat
tot tat my darling haven reach yet
but then when i got up the escalator
he scareD me behind
*smaCK u aR!!*
had our dinner at bugis junction food court
then go walk walk at bugis junction
bugis street...
mr tony tang is tired
so we go home early,,
before go home we bought
burger king
yum yum
i had the smtg smtg choc pie...
gonna show u when im free

211006 saturday,,
well, today no working..
hehe... woke up early cuz cant
used to wake up early,,
so cant sleep late anymore...
how sad~
went to bedok interchange
wif mummy n her sis...
bought a lot of things
so heavy la...
after interchange we went home
cuz bought too many things..
so coincident tat when we reach home,,
my aunty n cuzzie reach home..
they came from kch also~
so everyone get ready,
n we went to orchard...
pity oh my darling,,
he's working there
i c him i feel so sad
then we went to bugis
one of the most teenager's place
-too tired!-
went out since 7 a.m
go home a while
then go out gain
we all went back using mrt
so waited for my darling to reach bugis mrt
go back bedok together...
*reach home a lil headache*
luckily i took med hiak hiak
cuz nite time got planning
we all went to m.O.s
so fun!
my mum n aunty also follow
i actually smoke in front of my mum
she did not scold me
she say don smoke too much..
tat's all...
how happy
but then i promise myself
no more next time
as in
*in front of her*
so fun to go clubbing wif many ppl!
-ah boy
-ah choon
-eric mum
-ah sia

hehehez... so niCe~!!
we actually went out at 11p.m
n went home at 4a.m

221006 Sunday,,
woke up very late today
cuz last nite slept too late
luckily im not the last one
to wake up
everyone sleeps like piggy~
today we plan to go Sentosa, Beach
before heading sentosa,
mum's sis,,
eric mum,,
we went to outram park..
some lousy yucky place in sg~
actually we're planning to go
but then go out too late
so no choice we go
vivo city @ harbour front
vivo vity (located right next to harbour front mrt)
-very big
-the newest shopping mall in sg
-lotsa things to c
-lotsa things to buy
-too far
-too many ppl
-too big cannot find if u get lost

hmm.. so? any opinion? lolz!

all the girls walk together
as for the guys,,
they walk their way..
hmm u know wad happen in the end??!
couldn't find each other~
cuz it big n crowded!
at last found la of cuz lolz~
waited for ah choon to arrive at mrt
then we walk to harbour front inter change
to go sentosa~
free bus~~~
meet up ah boy, ah sia n buti there...
damn tired man...
after sentosa go home =P
sleep~!! wee~~~

221006 Monday,,
today mummy goin back jb lu..
but im following la
in the morning
we went to
ta ku po(grandpa's sis)
tok so many things
lalala sorry oh darling
go to jb after go visit her
went to city square
look for my jb aunty
then about 7.30 lidat
go to her huz to pick up my cuzzie
had a great dinner at beach side de restaurant
yum yum i love seafood
too bad cannot take too much in sg
dinner finish then go to their home
my cuzzie haf 2 puppies
one of them name
another one name
both very cute
but pinky very fierce~!!
scary la...
lolz i love micky!
she's so quiet n cute!!!
tat's all for the day
went to bed kinda late cuz micky sleeps in the room
she don wanna sleep~
keep on running here n there

231006 Monday,,
-sad sad day-
in the morning,
i had kolo mee in curry sauce
making me mis kch so much~!!
after tat my uncle send my aunty to ct square
she's working there~
then he bring us to a shopping makk
where there's no tax if u buy cigg n alcohol~
while shopping,,
my aunty called my cuzzie
telling her to go back ct square
so tat all of us can enjoy
free face mask
so cooling eh~
but after tat i go back jb lu...
sObs.. mis my mummy so much...